I have midterm in Flight mechanics in two and a half hours so I am writing a quick blog. to relive some building stress. this will be a quick look in to my political perspective. point #1 the best goverment is to have a King benjemen / christ type of King things get done quickly when needed and the person is good. the worst type of goverment is to have a bad king. a republic and or democrcy is slow inefficient and wastfull. the hope is if at lest 50% of the people are good. then good choices will be made. I believe 50% or more of the people in America are good. I also believe that only 15-20% of the people actually care enough to get involved and at lest try to understand whats going on. so its easy to trick the 80% that don't have time to understand whats going on.
Point #2 best way to reduce the inherent inefficiency of a Democracy is to keep it small Public works (roads, irrigation, public utilities, national defence) that's about it.
well I'll continue later I do have test soon. comments? questions? discuss amongst yourselves.
Danny and I are studying the French Revolution this week...boy howdy. Those darn French needed a new form of government in a bad way...but they sure went about changing it in a violent manner - and almost as soon as they got rid of one corrupt form of government, the new one would prove worse, and so on...makes me quite glad to live here right now, in spite of the current regime.
you'er getting much better at typing one handed. I have not studyed the french Revolution but it does not sound nice. I did see the misarables once.
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