I have midterm in Flight mechanics in two and a half hours so I am writing a quick blog. to relive some building stress. this will be a quick look in to my political perspective. point #1 the best goverment is to have a King benjemen / christ type of King things get done quickly when needed and the person is good. the worst type of goverment is to have a bad king. a republic and or democrcy is slow inefficient and wastfull. the hope is if at lest 50% of the people are good. then good choices will be made. I believe 50% or more of the people in America are good. I also believe that only 15-20% of the people actually care enough to get involved and at lest try to understand whats going on. so its easy to trick the 80% that don't have time to understand whats going on.
Point #2 best way to reduce the inherent inefficiency of a Democracy is to keep it small Public works (roads, irrigation, public utilities, national defence) that's about it.
well I'll continue later I do have test soon. comments? questions? discuss amongst yourselves.