Well here I am at Officer development School. In Newport RI it is very windy here I do have a room with a view a beautiful view of the bay some times there are sailboat races that look really neat. I don't have a lot of time to look at the sail boats the first week they run you pretty hard. wake up between 0400 0430 and most nights we were let go around 2000 "8:00PM" lights out at 2200 "10:00PM" lots of little silly rules to obey and if you mess up the whole team dose push ups for it. It is supposed to teach team work. I'll let you know how its working next week. I did get a uniform and it looks OK. dress uniforms don't come til the next week or two.
I did do a PFA or physical fitness assessment sit ups 51 push ups 38 1.5 mile run in 13:58 I should do better in all areas by the time I leave here. I think I will. the food is not too bad I have lost weight but not a lot one pound or two is all I was hoping ODS would drop me 10 pounds or more. it might still well I had better finish things up I have to muster for Chow in 30 min or so