Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Princess and the Puppy (bad dog)

New Years Eve: a happy time to reflect on the happenings of the year gone by, or rush your only daughter to the emergency room for the second time, whichever comes first. It was a warmish day in in the low country around high 60's low 70's. My Lovely Wife took the kids plus a neighbor to the park about a half mile walk. I was at the house when my cell rings, "I need you here now! M's eye is bleeding all over the place." I calmly respond "Where is here? Are you at the park?" The response comes, "No at the corner. Get here!" Still not entirely sure where here is I grab a clean wet cloth and hop in the van. I find them near a corner. Both M and my Wife are decently blood covered; I guess about a half cup or so.

The event:
a neighbor was walking his dog (think the Shaggy DA of Disney movie fame) All of the kids ask to pet; owner says yes. Next part is a little fuzzy but M said "I think I hugged the dog too tight" and she gets knocked down and stepped on by this big furry pet. We stop the bleeding and call the after hours nurse at the Navy clinic. She says take her to the ER, so off to the hospital we go, after dropping the boys off at another neighbor/member of the church. At the ER they make sure the eye is not damaged and clean her up a little She was not helpful in these endeavors. They prescribe some antibiotics to help reduce the infection risk and tell us to keep the wounds moist with Neosporin-like stuff to reduce the scarring and help with infection. M for the most part is her happy self unless you ask to touch her eye.

Are you Strange when?

So Just before Christmas I was driving home and saw some road kill. Not that unusual in and of itself, however upon looking closely it was possum road kill which is a little out of the ordinary for these parts. It did remind me of the Seattle area of wenst I came. Where the chicken crossed the road to prove to the possum it could be done. The situation begs the question are you strange if road kill makes you a little home sick?